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About Us

Company History

Rick Zerbs started Mr Tech Friend in January 2011 to help people enjoy and use technology. His vision is to build Mr Tech Friend into a successful local business helping non-technical and busy customers appreciate how technology can enrich their lives.

What Qualifies Rick to be Your Tech Friend?

Rick will take the time to listen and help you. He'll clearly communicate technical info in a way that non-technical people can understand. He'll come to your home or meet you at a coffee shop. He'll also take the time to train you on things you want to learn. Rick is patient, friendly, professional, courteous, a great communicator and knows his stuff.

Oh - and the credentials. Rick has a Computer Engineering degree and has worked as a Software Engineer his entire career. He has been working with computers and solving technical problems since 1992. Rick also knows cell phones. His knowledge of the cellular phone industry comes from working on the cutting edge StarTac and RAZR models for nine years at Motorola. Rick loves technical challenges!

Rick will earn the right to be your Tech Friend.

Rick Zerbs, Owner

(913) 617-6567